The Better Way to Build Your Custom Home

The Better Way to Build Your Custom Home


National Home Warranty has been serving the needs of western Canadian homebuyers for over 15 years. The best builders in western Canada are covered under National Home Warranty. A shared commitment to quality is what sets National and its builders apart from the competition.


Like you, we demand a lot from our builders. We abide by a strict set of enrolment standards and internal processes such as rigorous inspections and underwriting policies. Our field inspectors thoroughly examine every home registered by your builder under the National Home Warranty program. This process assures both you and your builder that another set of experienced eyes is overseeing the building of your home.

Secure Backing

National Home Warranty is underwritten by one of the largest insurance companies in the world. The Aviva Insurance Company of Canada, in partnership with National Home Warranty provides you with solid, secure warranty coverage.

Materials And Workmanship

Defects in materials and workmanship are covered by your warranty for the first year you are in your new home. Your new home is covered for two years for defects in:

We also provide coverage for non-compliance with the building code.

Building Envelope

Your new home is covered for defects in the building envelope for five years, including water penetration that causes material damage to the building.

Structural Defect Coverage

You are covered for major structural defects in your new home for ten years, including defects for material and labour that result in a failure of the load-bearing structure. Your warranty also covers structural damage that makes your home unfit to live in.

National Home Warranty at 1-800-243-8807

or in British Columbia 1-888-243-8807